Internet Warfare, online warefare, and the war on the web

An electronic intifada against Israel and the Jewish people

Internet Warfare

Introduction: the Wikipedia, Electronic Intifada and CAMERA story

Introduction: the Wikipedia, Electronic Intifada and CAMERA story

By Andre Oboler, a Zionism On The Web special, May 14 2008

In April the online Palestinian advocacy group Electronic Intifada released a story stating that CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America) a pro-Israel media monitoring group was attempting to take over wikipedia. This collection of articles reveals Electronic Intifada's use and manipulation of Wikipedia to attack CAMERA, promote their content and "point of view" and use the administrative process at wikipedia to first ban members of CAMERA and then increase some of these bans so they become perminent. While Electronic Intifada present CAMERA's actions as a new and serrious threat to Wikipedia, research shows that Palestinian advocates have been using the same tactics for years unchecked.

A report from Honest Reporting discusses the details of the case.

The Jewish Week in New York has also run a story on the topic. Latest \ Front In Mideast Wars: Wikipedia by Tamar Snyder examins the larger issues of truth and politics on Wikipedia. "Pro-Israel advocates have been banned from contributing articles on the popular encyclopedia, but battle rages" she explains.

An Op-Ed by Zionism On The Web's Dr Andre Oboler appeared in the Jerusalem Post, Wiki-Warfare: Battle for the on-line encyclopedia, May 14, 2008, pg 15

Pages here (listed below) have been updated and cited in various placed including in the discussion on Wikipedia. It should however be noted that research provided on this site is the summary. What was provided to Honest Reporting and and discussed with them, the Jewish Week and other media sources was document of some 40 pages of logs, links and raw research. Only the most important items have been quoted.

The Electronic Intifada, CAMERA, Wikipedia incident

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